Tuqs Rutaquio (gandang-ganda talaga ako sa kanya) as Ada now has, ehem, Vince de Jesus as alternate. THIS I WOULD DEFINITELY LOVE TO SEE! I admire Vince because of his brilliance in putting in the right music to the play. Watching him would be something!
Joey Paras, I've heard will not be able to do Didi since he has other engagements. According to Cak, his replacement would fit the role to a 'T'. I just forgot his name... can you read my tongue please? Nasa dulo ng dila ko e. He was one of the TP company of actors who are the townfolks.
As a side note... around 1-2 months ago, after work, I saw a familiar figure outside our office building. It was Red, the actor who opened Act2 of ze muzical with a very soulful song, and the one who doned the giant frog's costume. Hmmm..what's he doing here? Di ko matiis. I went over to him and introduced myself. Lo and behold! We work for the same company but in different accounts. Small world.
This (bigger and better) production is reportedly the last, before Cak releases the second book. Naku, bro, have we finished with the revisons already?!? .. Toxic ito!
Ate Yang, Joey's replacement is Nar Cabico. ;) I've sent him a message through his Frienster account and wished him the best. Imagine this though, he is only 16! He's nervous as hell. Sabi ko just stay focused and act as if wala tayo run. ;)
Ayun!!!! 'Ner' ng 'Ner' ang iniisip ko.! And he's only 16??!!?!?!?! Oh wow! Cak says he's good! :-)
Pwede! pwede! hawig-hawig din ni Eula!
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