Saturday, November 12, 2005

Endangered Species

I lost my mobile phone in a tricycle.

You could imagine how I must have felt! Only seconds when I alighted the tricycle and entered our house did I realize that my mobile isn't in my pocket anymore. The first thing that came to my mind was to call my number, hoping that the driver would hear/see it. My phone kept on ringing (I borrowed my mom's phone) as I kept on calling, while I 'jogged' back to the tricycle terminal only around a minute walk where I live. When I arrived at the terminal, it happened. Something that I dreaded to hear -- "..the telephone number you
dialled is out of coverage area or is turned off"
OH NO!!!!!!!

I couldn't remember the tricycle's serial number, let alone the driver's looks! There were 3 other drivers at the terminal who were reassuring me that my phone will be returned IF it were the driver who found it (though in the back of my mind, I really doubt it). I was almost losing hope because of the fact that my phone was turned off when I tried calling again. After several questions and answers, they came to a conclusion that it was a driver named 'Lakay' and was also confirmed by a little boy who saw me (and Diego) ride his
tricycle. One of the drivers, named Batang offered his ride to look for Lakay. We went around other terminals, in Marquinton, Midtown, and Marcos Hiway, but no Lakay. Until finally, he suggested that we head back to check. Sure enough, nearing their terminal, a driver of a passing tricycle called out to say that Lakay has returned. Sure enough, he was there.

These tricycle drivers, whose names are as unique as themselves-- Batang, Ikot, Luter, and Elmer, are endangered species alright! As for Lakay, well, I never did ask him why my phone was turned off, or why he didn't pass by my house to return it (I could just imagine how his fellow drivers 'gang-up' on him when he returned). But the joy of knowing that there are still people like the other drivers warms the heart! Hearing stories about lost mobile phones and not getting them back, where are the 'real' heroes? ... I thought they were extinct! That's what I thought...

I lost my mobile phone in a tricycle. And got it back after 20 minutes.


Doris said...

Wow! What a wonderful story of an amazing community. Brings all the tourist films of tricycles to life.

Anonymous said...

my son, who's 11, was on vacation there this past summer (aug). i got a phone call at around 3am here in calif and the guy at the other end was asking if i knew whose phone number this was he was using. turns out my son had shallow pockets and the mobile fell out while playing--the guy was an employee at this arcade at shangri-la. w/ mind still not functioning, i managed to ask and jot down all his info and called my sister to retrieve the mobile....there are still honest people out there, they are just a rarity. btw, is nikki related to a tristan "jingjing" simbulan who used to live in the sta. mesa area and went to school at don bosco, manda?

Yang said...

hi doris, yeh! im trying to find a good picture of a local tricycle but can't find a good one! i'll be updating this post if ever i'd find one :-)
c.jordan, your entries are an inspiration. i'll be dropping by often!
c.y.irvine, that's wonderful to hear! yes, actually jingjing is his brother. as i know it they're not that close. hope we could get in touch more often! hope you can catch me online, or email