Friday, May 15, 2009


There were a lot of significant changes recently.
Family. Kids. Work. Self.

We're now slowly but surely 'fixing' our house in Marikina. Diego will be in 1st grade at a big school, while Andee, Grade 5. We're done with tuition fees and books. What's left are a few school supplies and bonding 'let's-all-cover-your-books' moments. Work has finally been 'good' to me, got to get and do what I really loved doing. And finally..Self. I've never felt so inspired. I think I've pick up most of my broken pieces already and mended them so well that I am almost my old self--!! I have never loved so much that I feel that everything is falling into place.

But one last thing though...

My blog needs an EXTREME MAKEOVER!
It's sooo eighties...eeeiioouuu!

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