The other Sunday, July 16th, we went to the wake of my uncle (my dad's brother)..and I'd say, the last of the original Vergara's in his generation. That Sunday afternoon, around 2:00pm, I was at the terrace waiting for Cak and Ron to finish dressing up. While waiting, Andee and I had a photo spree...or photo shoot, rather, with my camphone. So there we were, posing and clicking away with the camphone, taking around 15 pictures. While enroute to the funeral home in Sucat with my brothers and Andee, I started deleting and choosing pictures and finally have around 4 remaining.

It was only last Sunday, while browsing thru my phone's gallery did I notice something peculiar. Behind me and Andee was a dark figure..blocking the supposedly white grilled-window near the door (for those of you who've been to our house would know what window I'm referring to). It was in broad 2:00 in the afternoon daylight. I was trying to decipher what it is when I remembered that I can actually zoom in. And zoomed in I did. Suddenly, I felt all hairs stand up and a chill down my spine. WHAT IS THAT?!?!?

I sent the pic to Ron's phone and he sort of 'editted' it, and resent it to me. Now, can anyone explain to me what this is? We are all convinced that this is something more out of the ordinary... well, in reference to what I experienced before. I was wondering whether this has something to do with it (
hay naku..long story..) Dark figure..probably looking over his shoulder?
Creepy. Spooky. It looks so compared with ghost photos I've seen online. I was thinking it might be my uncle (whose wake we went to that day) but, no.. not even a resemblance. Help??!?!
It is really freaky. i agree about ghost pictures not looking as solid as the one on your pictures. I dont know what to tell you. I was also freaked out!
Know what, Jigs.. I am still trying to get a grip on myself. Kakaiba and sometimes I try to convince myself it's nothing coz when you look closer it looks like a rolled-up cartolina or something.
scary ha.... as in! =/
dark hooded man with dark rays coming from his eyes? *screams!*
omg. i'm scaring myself.
hi henson! gives me goosebumps actually. long time no hear! :-)
it looks like a black coat. are you sure there wasn't any chair behind you where you could have hung any black clothes?
fortuitous faery, oh i would've wish there was something really behind us... unfortunately, that something is not a chair with black clothes.
looks like somebody looking/staring intently.
hmm... looks like a black folded table umbrella...
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